145 South Wells Management Team conducts a minimum of one (1) life safety training session throughout the year, typically in a presentation/classroom format. During these training session, each tenant’s roles, responsibilities and expectations for emergency response are defined across multiple incident types (e.g. fire, active shooter, severe weather). Additionally, building response procedures and systems are reviewed to provide further clarity for the recommended emergency response.
In addition, safety drills are performed annually, with participation by all tenants and their employees.
Building management can perform tenant-specific training sessions upon request for new and/or current employees by contacting the Office of the Building at 145southwells@jll.com.
Every tenant employee receives an Emergency Procedure pamphlet upon move-in. The pamphlet is meant to provided immediate awareness of emergency response procedures and initial dialogue of tenant-specific directives (e.g. Stairwell locations, shelter locations, exterior meeting point). The pamphlet is best served if read prior to an emergency and reviewed on a regular basis.